Rise up and claim the life you really want

It is easy for us actors to slip into powerlessness.

We may be doing great work, are often down to the last few and have plenty of great credits under our belt but lately things have not been ‘going our way.’ We become more vulnerable, we need a job more than ever, and cannot get constructive feedback for love nor money.

What can we do to change the trajectory and get back in the zone?

The thing is, like in dating, our appeal as actors is unquantifiable, and, like in dating, desperation is off putting. The more we need it, the less likely it is to come. We find ourselves in a downward spiral that can be challenging to reverse and impacts our confidence to deliver, our self-esteem, relationships and our bank accounts.

What we do not learn in drama school is the power of our own subconscious mind, the nervous system that is always working in response to it and how to harness them both to work for us rather than against.

Only when we make our subconscious conscious can we take our power back from our past experiences and actively create the futures we say we want.

So if you would like to be more:

  • Proactive

  • Magnetic

  • Empowered

And be the one who actually books that job…

Let’s talk.

My Actualise method has been specifically formulated with you in mind.

Over years of study in psychology, self development, reiki, EFT tapping and NLP, and diligently applying what I learned to my own life and those of my parent coaching clients, I discovered just how powerful we all are in creating our own experiences. Both those we say we like and those we don’t.

Our subconscious mind, which holds our deepest set beliefs (predominently created in childhood) drives 95% of our thoughts. Our thoughts inform our actions, physiological responses and behaviours. How we behave and move about in the world impacts how others perceive and respond to us, affecting the experiences that play out in our lives.

Change your beliefs, change your outcomes.

If we want to impact our:

  • Confidence,

  • Productivity

  • Behaviour

  • Magnetism

  • Appearance

  • Luck

  • Patterns in relationships

We must begin by working with the subconscious mind.

Through a unique process that includes:

  • Inventory

  • Somatic experience

  • Inner child healing

  • Nervous system reset

  • Shadow work

  • And EFT Tapping

You will transform your own life, from the inside out.

Some say it takes luck.

I know it takes resonance.