HELLO my love,

You may not know me, but I am here to tell you, you are doing amazingly!

This career requires bravery, resilience and a world of determination… and it can feel like an uphill struggle at times.

I know, because I have been there!

My name is Anastasia Griffith, I have been an actress for 21 years, starring in award winning TV dramas in Hollywood and the UK.

I also coach actors, just like you, to get in the zone and naturally meet your true potential, so you can enjoy the long-term success you long for, whatever that means to you.

We know in psychology and NLP (neuro linguistic programming)…

“when you change on the inside, everything on the outside changes”

- Paul McKenna, DPhil.

With my unique coaching methodology, designed specifically with you in mind, you will:

Perform better - maximise your productivity: get the job, finish that script or give the performance of your life…

Experience more joy - cultivate good mental and nervous system health...

Make more money and build long term security for yourself…

Be more confident in your ‘enoughness’ and ability…

Enjoy more creativity and playfulness…

Experience more ease and flow - take the pressure off, while getting the results …

Live your vision, for your career, health or relationship…

… and

Book that big pilot with ease this 2024!

Sound Good?

If so, you are in the right place.

If you are frustrated, have one foot on the break and one on the accelerator or are sick of hearing ‘it’s not going in your direction’…

There is one common reason you are not meeting your true potential (and it isn’t a lack of talent or luck…)

It is Imposter syndrome!

This plays out in two ways:

  • Subconscious self sabotage - somewhere deep down you don’t believe you are worthy of the success you seek and you protect yourself from it.

  • Not owning your dream - You aren’t thinking big and beautiful enough or in the right way.

If you don’t make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate
— Carl Jung

Its about Identity.

Albert Einstein spoke about ‘the optical delusion of consciousness.’

He was referring to the false identities we create, based on the beliefs we develop about ourselves. Formed from the assumptions we make about our worth based on past experiences and our interactions with others, our identity is our best attempt to ensure that we are accepted and we belong.  Belonging, for us humans, especially as children, is a basic human need that ensures our safety and survival.  

This identity lives in our subconscious mind telling us who we are and what we are capable of, with the sole purpose of protecting us. It attempts to ensure we never step out of our comfort zones, outgrow our tribe or allow others to cause us pain.  People go through their entire lives allowing their unconscious beliefs, created by immature minds, to sabotage the opportunities they have of receiving the things they say they so desperately want….

Beliefs like ’intimacy is dangerous’, ‘money makes you evil’ or ‘I am the ‘bad kid and don’t deserve good things’ can dictate our relationships, wealth and levels of success for the rest of our lives if we do not ‘make the subconscious conscious’ (Carl Jung) and reconnect with the innate truth of who we are.

The actions we take create the outcomes we experience and the realities we live.  95% of our actions and choices come from our subconscious mind and the identity we have created.

The good news is we CAN rewrite the beliefs that form that identity.

My unique method of coaching goes beyond journaling, gratitude and mindset… we go to the deepest root of the patterns you see, so you can be the conscious creator of the identity you live by.  

“Drama school teaches us how to perform. What it doesn’t teach us is how to perform at our best in this business, given the unique sensitivities that being an artist requires”

- Anastasia Griffith -

So, If you want to:

  • Get to the root cause of your stuckness: no more excuses or procrastination.

  • Heal the past to make space for the future.

  • Take aligned action that allows for more confidence, impact and ease.

  • Change subconscious beliefs that are sabotaging your success.

  • Access authentic magnetism to attract more of what you want

  • Improve performances by deepening connection to yourselves and the shared human experience

So you can step into your true potential in all aspects of your life…

Let’s talk!

A show runner I worked with once gave me the holy grail secret to booking the job… ready?

Take the power back in the room.

“We want you to be the answer to the problem we have to solve” he said, “and the ones who get the job are confident in their own ability. They put our minds at rest. We know we are in safe hands”.

And I have felt it myself. When I booked the big three of my early career… Damages, Trauma and Copper… I didn’t just read for the role, I took it. The exchange was an energetic one.

But there were plenty of roles I didn’t get, where I couldn’t go there and it lead me to ask the questions:

What if we don’t feel that confidence? What if, deep down, a voice of doubt tells us “who are you kidding? You don’t deserve that kind of money / success / fame…”?

What if how we think prevents us from being the solution to their problem? Prevents us from sustaining the success we have already achieved?

Are we destined, then, for a life of bit parts and inconsistency?

Whether we are climbing the 'call sheet ladder’ or desire longevity in this business, uncertainty and rejection are inevitable…

Doing the inside-out work gives you your power back.

Even the most successful amongst us experience an ungodly number of ‘nos’. The hostile environment of the entertainment business can be a genuinely threatening experience to our human physiology, let alone our mental health, and we are not trained at drama school in how to support ourselves in coping with the unique pressures we will face.

Our nervous system works with our subconscious mind to maintain safety, which comes from our needs being met. Many of the basic human needs we take for granted, from that of financial security and consistency to those of acceptance and approval, the unique nature of this business can cause perceived threat. Without proper support of the nervous system we face burn out, impacting not only our work, but our health, weight, appearance, relationships and more.

So what is the solution?

Do we ‘fake it until we make it or self flagellate when we cannot convert the auditions into roles, and roles into recognition? Do we override our systems and push ourselves through, in the hope that our luck will change?

OR… do we learn the skills necessary to build physical, emotional and mental resilience? Cultivate true self love and compassion, build authenticity, and allow the confidence, and career, we desire to come for free?

I am here to tell you, you can have the love, the health and the career you want… but the truth is, it begins with YOU.

If you:

Release the thoughts and feelings that are keeping you stuck

Retune your nervous system to experience more safety

Rewire your subconscious programming that tells you what to expect

Rewrite the Identity you have created for yourself and,

Resonate with the experiences you say you want

You will change your way of being in the world.

When we change who we BE, we change the reality we SEE.

It is time. Take your power back so you can be free to live the life, and have the career, you truly desire.